Dicembre 2013 - Fra le braccia del Grande Spirito -

Mohawk Prayer

Oh Great Spirit, Creator of all things;
Human Beings, trees, grass, berries.
Help us, be kind to us....
Let us be happy on earth.
Let us lead our children
To a good life and old age.
These our people; give them good minds
To love one another.
Oh Great Spirit,
Be kind to us
Give these people the favor
To see green trees,
Green grass, flowers, and berries
This next spring;
So we all meet again
Oh Great Spirit,
We ask of you


I am the wolf, a loner at heart.......

You are the human, and will rarely if ever see me..........

I roam the wilderness forests and mountains of this earth that we share.......

I mate for survival ...... as you do

I help my mate raise our pups in the warmth of our den, nurturing and
watching them grow and play......as you do with your human young........

We run as a pack family, and our members are as close as those in yours.......

When a member is lost, we grieve, but go on, ......just as you do…....

When I am hungry, I must hunt for myself and my family,
because that is all I know.......

There are no stores to cater to my every need.......

Some of you have said that I am a killer -- a cold-blooded hunter of death.......

But when I kill, it is to feed my family, and I only take the old, sick,
and weak, who will die regardless.......

I do not kill to hang heads for trophies on my walls ...... as you do.......

Now I am the hunted, by you.......

You are afraid of me, because you do not understand me.......

You think I am taking from your herds of plenty, which you advertise to big game
hunters for their tourist dollars.......

Yes, you are afraid of me, but I cannot hurt you.......

You are the one with the power to destroy my kind.......

You set your traps to torture me, and send your helicopters to
kill me from the air.......

I cannot fight you, for that is not my way ...... that is yours.......

I only want my freedom.......to run, live, and sing to the moon.......

I will share this earth with you in peace.......as long as you let me.......

I am the Wolf...

Prayer For My Brother, The Bear

O Great Spirit who listens to all
I speak for my brother the bear.

Make the moon shine softly during
the nights of his childhood
So that the warmth of his mother will
always be in his memory.

Make the berries grow in abundance
and sweetness
So that the vigor of life will strengthen his heart

And the years of old age shall never
be a burden to his body.

Let the wildflowers refresh his temperament
So that his manner will always be carefree.

Give his legs swiftness and strength
So they will always carry him to freedom.

Sharpen the senses of his ears and nose
So they will always keep harm from him.

Let only those men share his path
who in their hearts
Know his beauty and respect his
strength so that he will

Always be at home in the wilderness.
Make men praise life so that no one
needs to feel the shame

That lives in a heart that has wronged.
Then my wild brother, the bear, will
always have a wilderness,

As long as the sun travels the sky.
Oh, Great Spirit, this I ask of you
for my brother, the bear.

[by Chief Dan George]

Sacred Earth

How inhuman it was in those wretches
to come into a country where nature
shone in beauty, spreading her wings
over the continent, sheltering
beneath her shades these natural sons...
of an Almighty Being, that shone in
grandeur and luster like stars of the
first magnitude in the heavenly world;
whose virtues far surpassed their more
enlightened foes, notwithstanding their
pretended zeal for religion and virtues.